Alive is partnering with Red Frogs!
Red Frogs is an organization that aims to provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather. Red Frogs educate on safe partying behaviors and promote alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.
Here are some upcoming events:
Friday, December 6 @ 8pm - "Great Gatsby Gala" hosted by SSMU McGill University
Winter Frosh Week (McGill University - Engineering):
Tuesday, January 7 @ 8pm - "Time Trials"
Wednesday, January 9 @ 8pm - "Boat Races"
Thursday, January 10 @ 8pm - "Power Hour"
*Training is provided to participate in these events.
Sign up to join one of the events or contact any of the Garden City members for more information - Tolu, You Joon, Jenny, or Pastor Andrew.